by Jeff and Michael
With 12 eligible bachelorettes and bachelors to date in Stardew it’s hard to decide who to pick. So we came up with a list and grading system to share our thoughts! We certainly have our preferences and might make some folks mad with this list, but hey, different people make different romantic connections. But be sure to tell us what we got wrong in the comments.
12. Elliot
Oh Elliot. Sure he’s Fabio incarnate. Sure he gets a book deal and becomes famous. But this guy is kind of an elitist English major prick. If you’re up for constant goofy charm and daily poem readings, we can’t tell you to run, but we feel like being married to Elliot would get old real fast.
Romance: B
Reliable Life Partner: B
Good Farm Partner: C-
Cool Factor: D
11. Sebastian 
We’re going to get some hate from this, but we think he’s the edgy guy you date when your young. Sure it’s romantic, but then you realize he’s f** boy adjacent. We don’t see Sebastian as someone who’s going to be as there to support you emotionally. Those early dating moments are exciting and who doesn’t love a ride on a motorcycle, but we suggest you date at your own risk.
Romance: B+
Reliable Life Partner: C
Good Farm Partner: C-
Cool Factor: B+
10. Shane 
The fact he overcomes alcoholism to be with the player is truly awesome. Shane is an individual where if you put the work in you’ll have a rewarding romance. But if we’re being honest, we’d probably rather just be football friends with him than engage romantically, and give Shane even more time to work on himself.
Romance: B
Reliable Life Partner: C
Good Farm Partner: B
Cool Factor: B-
9. Harvey 
Such a sweet and basic boy, but you have to admit the doctor money would be great. We have to love that Harvey is a dreamer who wasn’t able to follow his dreams, but between his dopey personality, and a somewhat bland romance, we can’t say marrying him would be following our dreams either.
Romance: B-
Reliable Life Partner: A+
Good Farm Partner: B+
Cool Factor: C-
8. Penny 
Penny is so sweet, a good teacher, and frankly adorable, but be ready for kids, because Penny wants them. She’s also not the strongest cook and occasionally clueless in social scenarios, so she might be more under your care than a viable toe to toe partner for farm life. But sometimes just having someone sweet in your life is all you need.
Romance: A-
Reliable Life Partner: B-
Good Farm Partner: B
Cool Factor: B-
7. Haley 
Haley starts out pretty unlovable, but as she grows as a person and develops (heh) her photography habit, she shows she has a lot to bring to the table. The question is will you have the patience to deal with her less redeeming rude and shallow traits before you get to the impromptu photo shoots or cute dark room make outs? We think it’s worth the effort.
Romance: A-
Reliable Life Partner: B
Good Farm Partner: B-
Cool Factor: B
6. Emily 
This hippie crystal wearing, cloth making, bar working woman would always make life fun. One of our staff even said it’d like marrying a cool version of Gwyneth Paltrow, but without the fame or money to make her quite so cray. We can definitely recommend a lifetime of over the top dance parties and camp outs in the forest with this gem loving queen!
Romance: A-
Reliable Life Partner: B-
Good Farm Partner: B
Cool Factor: A-
5. Alex 
Sure he’s a himbo jock, but he also betters himself by starting a reading regiment, and become a better person. He also is dealing with childhood trauma that he confides in you about his mom, takes up philosophy, and builds a sports bar for the town. Sure he’s not the brightest, but this is a guy we see a bright farm future with.
Romance: A-
Reliable Life Partner: B+
Good Farm Partner: B
Cool Factor: B+
4. Sam 
Another himbo who’s pretty much Andy Dwyer from Parks and Rec, Sam is our favorite of the guys. There’s plenty of reason to love this up and coming musician, even if most of his events are him talking with his mom, or skating around town. He’s still goofy and charming, and at the end of the day his heart is as gold as his cute spikey hair.
Romance: B+
Reliable Life Partner: A
Good Farm Partner: B
Cool Factor: A
3. Maru 
Maru is a brilliant scientist who builds robots, works at a doctors office and still has time to go stargazing. Sure, Maru might be married to the job, but we’re happy to be her forever lab partner. Because who doesn’t want to wake up to this adorable genius every morning.
Romance: A
Reliable Life Partner: B+
Good Farm Partner: A-
Cool Factor: A+
2. Leah 
An artist escaping from the bustle of capitalism and loves a healthy lifestyle? You know we stan! Leah is thoughtful, conscientious, an environmentalist, and depending on the player choices, she’s running an arts festival or the best Etsy shop in Stardew Valley! So grab your paint brush and get ready for a nature hike, cause Leah is one of the best choices for a partner in the game.
Romance: A+
Reliable Life Partner: A
Good Farm Partner: A+
Cool Factor: B+
1. Abigail 
It might be cliché but there’s something about this empowering, adventuring, purple haired gamer witchy girl that resonates with all of us. Whether she’s hanging out in the graveyard avoiding cooking dinner, meeting us on the 20th floor in the caves, or handing us a cherry bomb for breakfast, there’s just so much to love about Abi.
Romance: A+
Reliable Life Partner: A-
Good Farm Partner: A
Cool Factor: A+
Whoever you choose we honestly still love all twelve of these characters, so be sure to let us know how you’d rank them in the comments!