Remember when you were a kid waiting in math class with the lunch break right around the corner? No matter how hard you looked at your last long division problem, somewhere in the back of your head was that new discovery you made over the weekend while playing video games. Maybe you had finally found that tricky star in Mario 64, wanted to brag about just beating the Gohma in Ocarina of Time, or had a new cheat code to share from Tony Hawk Pro Skater.
Then the bell rang, you ran to lunch, and you and your friends gushed about your gaming experiences, sharing your discoveries and learning new secrets while chomping down on a PB&J, and then running to recess to play Pokemon.
Lunch Break Games Blog is here to recapture that same joy with creative content geared towards celebrating the nostalgic history of our love of gaming, while pointing out the incredible things the industry has to offer today. We can’t wait to chat with you over our lunch break about what we’re playing, and we’ll always make sure you have a seat saved at our lunch table.